A taxi from Voorburg to Schiphol Airport or from the airport back home can be quite expensive. If you go for a competitive rate, order your taxi to Schiphol via TaxiTicket. This not only saves you a lot of money, we also relieve you of all your worries during your taxi ride so that you arrive at Schiphol without stress and in good time. Your TaxiTicket is easy and can be ordered online at any time, your transport from Voorburg to the airport is already arranged!
Taxi to Schiphol at the best rate
TaxiTicket's automated ordering process forms the basis of our competitive pricing. By receiving all ordered taxi rides in time, we can work towards an optimal planning and occupation of our drivers. This efficient way of working keeps our costs low and therefore we can offer you a guaranteed lowest price for your taxi ride from Voorburg to Schiphol. All we ask is that you order your TaxiTicket online at least 12 hours before your desired departure time. This gives us enough room to put our logistics in order and gives you the peace of mind that your transport to Schiphol is arranged.
Reliable and flexible services
It is always nice that you pay a competitive rate for your taxi ride from Voorburg to Schiphol. We know from experience that our customers find it at least as important that they make a carefree start to their holiday or business trip. Based on the same experience we offer you a reliable service where our professional drivers are always ready for you when you need us. We always make sure that you are on time for departure and we are ready for you when you have landed.
You can contact our dispatcher at any time for additional wishes, so that we can deliver your taxi ride to Schiphol fully personalized. For example, if you need a wheelchair taxi to go to Schiphol, you can always order it via TaxiTicket. If you are travelling with a larger group, we will of course also provide suitable transport in the form of a van or luxury sedan, where we can also make one or more stops along the way to pick up fellow passengers. For the transport of babies and young children we always have enough child seats and maxi-cosi's in stock, which are also available by using our ordering process of TaxiTicket.
Order your TaxiTicket clearly and quickly
With our automated ordering process you can quickly and easily book your taxi from Voorburg to Schiphol Airport. We only ask you for the most important information, such as your flight times, flight number and telephone number. We also always ask you how much time you need to go through customs after the moment of landing and pick up your luggage. We will take this into account when we pick you up at Schiphol. Our dispatcher keeps a close eye on your flight, so should anything change in the time of landing, our driver will always be there for you on time.
If you have any questions about ordering a TaxiTicket you can contact us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via info@taxiticket.nl or 070-3906262. You can also always call us for additional wishes.
Why is a TaxiTicket from Voorburg to Schiphol cheaper?
Because of our efficient way of working, you pay a low and fair price for your taxi from Voorburg to Schiphol.
With our reliable services, you will always be at Schiphol well in advance of your departure.
Your TaxiTicket is easy and fast to order online.
Extensive reservation possibilities for every traveller
Zoetermeer, Voorburg, Delft, Leiden